
Non-resident with LLC and out of state clients

Asked by: Carolina  — 17 May, 2013

I’m a non-resident and I set up my IT Consulting LLC in Nevada, but my main work location is in South America and my clients are from California, Florida, and Canada. I have to open a foreign entity? Can I have people on payroll?

Answered by: admin  — 17 May, 2013


With your type of business, if it is going to be online/phone based, you can certainly register your LLC in Nevada and have clients in other countries and states without a problem.

If you plan on having a physical presence in other states in the U.S., such as a physical office, assets, or employees on payroll then you would need to register as a foreign entity in each of those appropriate states.

I’d like to invite you to read an answer posted by our tax expert which explains how nexus is created, which you can view by clicking here. I believe you will find his answer very informative.

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