
Opening a business in USA

Asked by: shaikh umar  — 6 November, 2012

I am Indian base interior designer expert in commercial designing. I would like to continue my firm in USA, can I know what procedure or paper work is required to get started business in USA? Please help me out. Waiting for gesture reply.

Answered by: admin  — 6 November, 2012


To register a company in the United States from abroad, you are not required to have a U.S. address, social security number, or submit any financial or identification documents. You may even list your company in India as the business owner.

We have a research article titled ‘U.S. Companies for Foreigners‘, which you will find helpful in comparing the different entity types you could register as well as the commonly favorite states to incorporate in, and will guide you how to apply to form your business directly online.

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