
Opening a LLC in Wyoming

Asked by: Rajiv Gupta  — 13 September, 2011

Dear Sir,

I own a software company in India. It is a Pvt. Ltd. Company. I would like to open a LLC in state of Wyoming. I have few questions regarding this issue.

1. Is my physical presense is required there?
2. Do we need a office in Wyoming or Virtual Address will work?
3. Do we need a bank in USA?

Looking forward for your prompt reply

Thanking You,
Rajiv Gupta

Answered by: admin  — 13 September, 2011


Let me answer your questions:

To form your company in Wyoming you don’t ever need to be present there. The formation of the company is done remotely, no need to maintain an office or virtual office or any address other than Registered Agent for service of process that we provide for $99 a year.

You also don’t have to open a bank account in the USA. When forming your WY LLC you can obtain Certified Copy of Articles of Organization with Apostille. Since India is a signatory to the Apostille Convention you would be able to open a bank account for your WY company in India.

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