Register Your Trade Name in Connecticut
Registering a DBA in Connecticut
Connecticut has separate procedures for filing DBA (also called “trade name certificate”), depending on the type of company filing it:
- DBA filed by an individual (sole proprietorship) or general partnership is called “assumed name”, and it is registered by filing a DBA with the town clerk in the town in which the business is based (and not with Secretary of State’s Office). The fee to file an assumed name certificate varies depending on the town. Application must be notarized prior to filing, and an approval from Zoning Department must be obtained first, a fact that makes the process lengthy and frustrating, and often results in denial of application.
- DBA filed by an organized entity (such as LLC or corporation) is registered by filing a DBA with Connecticut Secretary of State. This application does not need to be notarized prior to filing.
We can help you research the assumed or fictitious business name of your choice, and prepare and file all the necessary registration paperwork with the municipal clerk of your choice (or the Secretary of State) – all you need to do is complete our simple application below.
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Ready to Order?
We will prepare and file your LLC application in a professional manner, all you need to do is complete our simple order form.
Please feel free to contact our representatives to guide you via chat or telephone at +1 (877) 330‑2677.
Our company offers professional business filing services that ensure your company documents and applications are accurately filed and in compliance.