Register Your Trade Name in Kentucky
Registering a DBA in Kentucky
In Kentucky a DBA is called “Certificate of Assumed Name”. All business entities except sole proprietorships would file the Certificate of Assumed Name with Kentucky Office of the Secretary of State. Sole proprietorships file with the county clerk where the sole proprietor resides.
An assumed name registration is effective for a term of 5 years from the date it is filed with the Secretary of State and can be renewed after that term for another 5 year term, and so on. A renewal certificate must be filed with the Secretary of State within 6 months prior to the expiration date. The Secretary of State is not required to send renewal certificates, so remember to renew it before it expires.
We can help you research the assumed or fictitious business name of your choice, and prepare and file all the necessary registration paperwork with Kentucky Office of the Secretary of State, and for sole proprietorships we can assist with the necessary county registration – all you need to do is complete our simple application below.
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We will prepare and file your LLC application in a professional manner, all you need to do is complete our simple order form.
Please feel free to contact our representatives to guide you via chat or telephone at +1 (877) 330‑2677.
Our company offers professional business filing services that ensure your company documents and applications are accurately filed and in compliance.