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...of Non-US citizens who own American companies. As far as tax ID goes there is a specific procedure to obtain EIN for a company owned by individuals without Social Security...
Yang, There are two options you have when expanding your business into the United States: The first option is a bit more complex, which is having your Chinese company registered...
...keeping a separate company. You will have to pay to both set the company up and maintain the company properly. That means paying set up fees, yearly fees, accounting and...
...when the company is active you can apply for a federal EIN (a the tax ID). After those steps you are free to conduct your business under the company umbrella....
...different state would be if your company filed a foreign entity into the state you wish to operate your DBA from it’s state of origin. Once your company is filed...
...branch in the States. In all three cases it wold be more convenient to do business with a US entity, but you could still do business under your Indian company....
...office in your country, or the address in Florida. Typically, you are also able to open the company bank account in a different state than the company’s registration. If you...
Reza, You could absolutely open a sister company in the United States, which for example may be owned by you individually, or by your UK company. You may use your...
Kovacs, You can certainly register your company in the US. There are two ways to do it: register your European company as a Foreign entity in Ohio, or to form...
...the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of “de Finibus Bonorum et Malorum” (The Extremes of Good and Evil) by...
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