Register Your Trade Name in South Dakota
Registering a DBA in South Dakota
Any company or individual that wishes to do business in South Dakota under a name other than its registered company name must register a so-called “fictitious business name” (an equivalent of DBA or “doing business as”). All fictitious business names are registered by filing Fictitious Business Name Registration with the South Dakota Secretary of State.
Before applying for a fictitious business name a company must make sure that the name is available by searching South Dakota Secretary of State records. This process is similar to the first step in formation of a new company.
A registration is effective for 5 years. The registration must be renewed before it expires.
We can help you research the fictitious business name of your choice, and prepare and file the Fictitious Business Name Registration with South Dakota Secretary of State – all you need to do is complete our simple application below.
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We will prepare and file your LLC application in a professional manner, all you need to do is complete our simple order form.
Please feel free to contact our representatives to guide you via chat or telephone at +1 (877) 330‑2677.
Our company offers professional business filing services that ensure your company documents and applications are accurately filed and in compliance.